Wednesday, April 24, 2013

New Technologies: for and against

What do you think about new technologies (the Internet, the computer, the mobile phone, etc.)? What are their advantages and disadvantages? Have they really improved communication?

Friday, April 5, 2013


What three items would you put into a time capsule to be remembered as the most important inventions of our time? Write what they are used for and why you think they are important. Don't forget to use linking words, a variety of adjectives and Conditionals :)

The following words might be useful for you:

device - устройство
gadget – a small device
tool – средство
convenient – удобный в использовании
handy = convenient
suitable – подходящий
essential – важнейший, необходимый

You can use your ideas as well as the ideas from the following sites:

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Pink Floyd "Wish you were here"

Enjoy the music and the lyrics of Pink Floyd's "Wish you were here".

So, so you think you can tell 
Heaven from Hell, 
Blue skies from pain. 
Can you tell a green field 
From a cold steel rail? 
A smile from a veil? 
Do you think you can tell? 

And did they get you to trade 
Your heros for ghosts? 
Hot ashes for trees? 
Hot air for a cool breeze? 
Cold comfort for change? 
And did you exchange 
A walk on part in the war 
For a lead role in a cage? 

How I wish, how I wish you were here. 
We're just two lost souls 
Swimming in a fish bowl, 
Year after year, 
Running over the same old ground. 
What have we found? 
The same old fears. 
Wish you were here.

Monday, April 1, 2013


Welcome to take part in the International Art Contest in the USA (age 5-16)!

Theme “The International Day of Peace”

On the 21st of September the world celebrates the International Day of Peace. 
What does Peace Day mean to you? What can you do to make Peace Day happen every day?
Who in your community works toward Peace? What do you see when you imagine a world in Peace?

Think about these questions and create artwork which symbolizes the meaning of Peace Day for you.  
Your artwork MUST include the message, "May Peace Prevail On Earth".
Size: 12.7 cm x 17.7 cm (Horizontal or Vertical design)

You can see the winners' artworks at:

Good luck!

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Dear friends,

Welcome to take part in the annual essay contest in Japan. This year the theme is:


Every part of the world has its own culture. Culture includes the arts, traditions and customs of a country or region, as well as the wisdom, values, lifestyles and trends of the people living there. In order to build a peaceful world, we need to acknowledge and respect each other's cultures. What aspects of the culture in your country or region do you take pride in? How can youth make the most of them to create a better future?

Essays must be 700 words or less.

You can read the winners' essays at:

Good luck! 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


  • Are you for or against cheating?
  • Please, write your arguments.
  • Don't forget to comment on other students' comments.
  • Be polite and use linking words.
As for me, I'm strongly against cheating. In my view, it's a crime. Cheats are thieves who steal other people's brains, time and nerves.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The way you learn English

Please, write about your way of learning English.

What do you find easy / difficult? What English skills would you like to  improve? What do you do and what would you like to do to improve your English?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Learn from mistakes

Interview with a sports star.

Spot the mistakes. Write the correct sentences. For example,

Incorrect: Victoria believed that she'll become the player №1.
Correct: Victoria believed that she would become player №1. (In the Reported speech we use ‘would’ instead of will; we don’t use an article before a noun+a numeral)

Click here to see and correct the mistakes

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Reflections on the changes in our English lessons

Dear friends,

Please, share your reflections on the changes in our English lessons. What has happened? Has your attitude to learning English changed? Is it worth using the Internet in and out of class? Why? What opportunities do you have when you get tasks to do on the Internet? What did you enjoy most? What would you like to continue to do in our lessons in the future?

Looking forward to getting your true answers.

T. Y.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Interview with a sports star

This week let's discuss the three interviews with Olympic champions:
  • What interesting facts have your learnt you from the interviews?
  • What questions do the reporters ask?
  • What questions would you like to ask a sports star?
  • What spoken phrases did you catch in the answers?
You can find the webquest "Sport and Health" here:

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Interesting English phrases and idioms

In this post we can write and discuss interesting English phrases and idioms.

For example,

on the spur of the moment - под влиянием минуты, не раздумывая; без подготовки

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Ideas for the blog

Hello, everybody!

Now you are on the page called 'Ideas for the blog'. We want our blog to develop, that's why we have created this page.

Here you can suggest your ideas. What do you want to discuss in the blog? Write your suggestions and we will make a new post as soon as possible.:)

Extreme sports

My dear students,

This week we are discussing extreme sports which are so attractive to most teenagers. There are a lot of arguments for and against extreme sports. Please, in your comments answer the questions below. Don't forget to comment on other students' posts.

What are the argument for extreme sports?
What are the arguments against extreme sports?
Do you think extreme sports should be banned because of being too dangerous?

Good luck!

 WebQuest Sport And Health