Wednesday, April 24, 2013

New Technologies: for and against

What do you think about new technologies (the Internet, the computer, the mobile phone, etc.)? What are their advantages and disadvantages? Have they really improved communication?


  1. We live in a changing world and ways of communication become more and more better. So, why can't we use them? In my view, new technologies make our life easier. If I want to call my friend - I have a mobile phone, if I want to talk people from other cities and countries - I can use the Internet. New technologies are very convinient. Nowadays people travel a lot, they communicate with people on international level and they need to have this ways of communication.
    Of course, they have some disadvantages. I think they steal personal life! Sometimes people don't go for a walk, don't meet with friends. Instead of that they just surf the Internet all day long.
    New technologies are great, but you should use them within reasonable limits.

  2. New technologies have made our life easy. They are facilitating people to make lesser mistakes and to save their time.
    And of course technologies have changed way of communication. It has become common and popular to use gadgets to connect to someone across distance. Examples of this are conferences and chats that help people to keep in touch with their friends and family. As for me it seems that technologies connect people from all over the world. However, in the same time we are separating from the reality by constantly using different devices.
    So, different websites were produced by invention of the internet. So a person can stay aware of all the latest news with close and distant friends, changes in the world. In addition, he can develop his career using special social networks. You can even set up your own business based on the net and it wouldn’t take much time. And for sure, people nowadays could easily work from home.
    On the other hand, if a person decides to avoid all of these net communications, he will miss out a large amount of information and it could concern his professional life.
    And one more thing I want to say, information can propagate simply by the internet. It is great when person use this information for good, but when he just belive everything , it would work against him as he will forgot about thinking.
    So my main point is that technology is not something people can ignore, but we should know how to use this for a profit.

  3. In my view new technologies is a great invention of our time. Thanks to mobile phones and the internet we can communicate with each other. Also we can find nacessary information faster. Technologies make our life easier.
    But in spite of all the advantages there are a disadvanteges too:
    1.computers, phones, TV and other thinks contain high levels of radiation. People are exposed to radiation,what is bad for the organism.
    2.when you play computer games or watch TV a lot your vision deteriorate.
    3.when people playing computer or watching TV they don't live in real life. they become dependent. there are so stupid programmes and shows that people who watch it become stupid too. they don't have enough lexicon and they just stopped thinking. Sometimes people want to looks like a herroys and they don't perceive reality.
    So, I think that new technolodies are very importamt in our life, but when it is in moderation(в умуренных количествах).

  4. Thanks to the new technologies people are communicating more than ever before. Nowadays, with a mouse in one hand and a mobile phone in the other one, we are cannot imagine human contacts without modern technology devices. Of course ways of communication have many positive qualities but also a lot of negative.

    Teens text while talking to someone else, at the dinner table, in the car if driving or not,at he movies, and worst of all in church. This tiny piece of plastic is distracting teens from the most important message of all. iPods also create the distraction.

    On TV children's immature minds absorb averything, in the main violence. Tv also may affect people's minds in diffrent ways. All in all it's bad for our helth.
