Friday, April 5, 2013


What three items would you put into a time capsule to be remembered as the most important inventions of our time? Write what they are used for and why you think they are important. Don't forget to use linking words, a variety of adjectives and Conditionals :)

The following words might be useful for you:

device - устройство
gadget – a small device
tool – средство
convenient – удобный в использовании
handy = convenient
suitable – подходящий
essential – важнейший, необходимый

You can use your ideas as well as the ideas from the following sites:


  1. I believe that all inventions are great.But if I'd have a chance to put some things into a time capsule I would choose these.
    Firstly I would put the battery into a time capsule.Thanks to bataries we have got phones,clocks and etc.We can stay connected with the world,even if there is no electrisity.
    Secondle-the mobile phone.I think that phones is a great inventions of our time.Thanks to it people can communicate with each other.
    In addition-the fridge.In my view it is a very important thing too.It helps to keep products fresh and suitable to eat(пригодными в пищу).

  2. In the first place I would put the internet. It is used for sharing information in social, political, art and in others spheres. For some it is just convenient, but as for me it is the most essential stuff. If I didn’t have the net, I wouldn’t listen to the variety of music; I wouldn’t even know about my favorite books and film; I couldn’t connect with people from all over the world. Furthermore, the net contains whatever future generation can know about us.
    Another great tool is Wi-Fi . It is a way of accessing the internet without using wires. Moreover, wi-fi is an economical networking option included in even more than one device. So, if I didn’t use wi-fi, I would be without the internet at travelling.
    And finally, I would say about mp3 player .This gadget is really useful to listen to music in a good quality and to carry with you a piece of someone’s soul.
