Wednesday, March 20, 2013


  • Are you for or against cheating?
  • Please, write your arguments.
  • Don't forget to comment on other students' comments.
  • Be polite and use linking words.
As for me, I'm strongly against cheating. In my view, it's a crime. Cheats are thieves who steal other people's brains, time and nerves.


  1. In my view cheating is unfair and awesome at the same time.
    It makes your life easier and it looks like a geat act of bravery. And you feel like the agent 007 as you have to do a very important secret mission! ...But actually, it's not interesting to cheat in our school as teachers don't keep an eye on us, so your "cheating" work doesn't look very interesting anymore...

    1. I have never thought about it, but I like your idea with agent 007:)

    2. So, you don't cheat just because you don't find it exciting in our school?

  2. I'm not against cheating. It's really makes your life easier. Actully, when you need to solve the broblem as faster as possible, cheating is a great solution!
    On the other hand, if you cheat all the time, you will never learn something new. And you will be not very educated person.

    1. Of course I agree with you, but when I don't have a lot of time to do my homework and for example, I have some problem..What I should do?! I don't want to get bad mark and I have cheating.

    2. Yes, but sometimes it seems that some people never have a lot of time to do theirs homework

    3. Polina,I understand your point. And i want to say that I will cheat in order not to lose all my time on school, as life is not about swotting(зубрежка). In future I won't need this mess of knowledge. Maybe, it will be great, if school will take more time to open talents of students and develop their creativity.

    4. Yes, Kate, you are right. Swotting doesn't bring any benefits. First of all, you need to understand what you are learning. Let's hope in the future high school students will have the opportunity to choose the subjects which will influence their certificate grades.

    5. Christina, I agree with you. If students cheat they will be not clever. But people would not be able to learn everything.

  3. I think, that cheating - it is chance to get good marks.In high school, the Chinese city of Wuhan, cheating has become so outbursts of indiscriminate, that now all the students have to write the control on the street. But more and more students at school and university are using the internet to cheat.
    Teachers and examiners want to stop cheating in school and university, but they do not agree about how to solve the problem. Some teachers think a student's final grade shouldn't depend on his/her coursework. They think that it is better to have traditional (time-limited) written exams that are held in an examination room. Another way to stop cheating is to have an oral exam at the end of the course. If students cannot answer questions about their coursework, this could indicate that they have cheated. At the same time, the oral exam would give the examiner a better idea of students' real knowledge of the subject.
    But I don't agree with teachers! When children want to get a good mark and they dont know nothing about this topic, they cheat, because this children know,that their parent punish they for bad marks!

  4. It’s hard for me to take one’s side. Yeah, there is problem of cheating, it’s unjust .On the other hand almost everyone cheat, I can’t lose opportunity too, because it is unfair for me not to cheat.

  5. Christina, you think that cheating makes our life easier. But what about our formula of success in which hard work is number 1?

    Polina, you want to get a good mark for something you are not good at. All people are different and not everybody can get good marks. It takes some pupils half an hour to do Maths homework whereas others will do it for three hours. It's life.

    In my view, if you want to get a good mark, you should work hard, to ask for help, show your teacher that you are interested in improving your mark.
