Saturday, February 23, 2013

Interesting English phrases and idioms

In this post we can write and discuss interesting English phrases and idioms.

For example,

on the spur of the moment - под влиянием минуты, не раздумывая; без подготовки


  1. That’s above my bend. – Это выше моих сил.

    Get off my back! – Перестань! Хватит!

    As blazes / as hell – сильное отрицание – I like him very much. – As hell you do! – Мне он нравится. Да-да, кому ты говоришь.

    1. Nice expressions. To continue your theme I have another phrase:

      "I'm sick and tired of something or somebody" - to be angry and bored because something unpleasant has been happening for too long

      What are you sick and tired of? Or what is above your bend?

  2. Rain cats and dogs - очень сильный дождь( русск. эквив. - льет как из ведра)

    In a way - в каком-то смысле
    Far from it - совсем не так
    I doubt it - сомневаюсь

    1. Somebody told me that the phrase "Rain cats and dogs" has become old-fashioned. We should ask native speakers.

      The last three ones are very good spoken phrases.

  3. all of a sudden - вдруг, ни с того ни с сего
    apple pie order - в ажуре, "чики-пики", порядок
    at death's door - на пороге смерти, на волосок от гибели
    a screw loose - не все дома, не в своем уме, "крыша поехала" :D

    1. I see that everything is in the apple pie order in your blog and I hope that nobody will have a screw loose :)

  4. "Elephant in the room" is an English metaphorical idiom for an obvious truth that is either being ignored or going unaddressed.

    1. Christina, can you give an example of using this phrase?

    2. For example,
      When I had dinner with my parents, the elephant in the room was the fact that I'm 45 years old and still single.
      Во время ужина с моими родителями, все думали о том, что мне 45 лет, и я все еще холост, но никто не затрагивал эту тему.

  5. Out of this world - «внеземной», «не из этого мира» .
    1)The graphics and sounds are out of this world.
    2)What a restaurant — the food was out of this world!
    3)This is the best souffle I’ve ever tasted — it’s out of this world.

  6. 1. to take offence - обидеться
    2. to take a nap - вздремнуть
    3. to hit the target - попасть в цель
    4. on the basis of - на основе
