Monday, February 25, 2013

Interview with a sports star

This week let's discuss the three interviews with Olympic champions:
  • What interesting facts have your learnt you from the interviews?
  • What questions do the reporters ask?
  • What questions would you like to ask a sports star?
  • What spoken phrases did you catch in the answers?
You can find the webquest "Sport and Health" here:

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Interesting English phrases and idioms

In this post we can write and discuss interesting English phrases and idioms.

For example,

on the spur of the moment - под влиянием минуты, не раздумывая; без подготовки

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Ideas for the blog

Hello, everybody!

Now you are on the page called 'Ideas for the blog'. We want our blog to develop, that's why we have created this page.

Here you can suggest your ideas. What do you want to discuss in the blog? Write your suggestions and we will make a new post as soon as possible.:)

Extreme sports

My dear students,

This week we are discussing extreme sports which are so attractive to most teenagers. There are a lot of arguments for and against extreme sports. Please, in your comments answer the questions below. Don't forget to comment on other students' posts.

What are the argument for extreme sports?
What are the arguments against extreme sports?
Do you think extreme sports should be banned because of being too dangerous?

Good luck!

 WebQuest Sport And Health